"Jude the Obscure was undoubtedly the place to be on Wednesday evenings if you were in Oxford. Especially if, like Refilwe and the other inhabitants of J9, you knew that there was as much knowledge and relaxation to be found in pubs as there was in books" (107).
Jude the Obscure summary, sparknotes http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/jude/summary.html:
"Jude Fawley dreams of studying at the university in Christminster, but his background as an orphan raised by his working-class aunt leads him instead into a career as a stonemason. He is inspired by the ambitions of the town schoolmaster, Ricahrd Phillotson, who left for Christminster when Jude was a child. However, Jude falls in love with a young woman named Arabella, is tricked into marrying her, and cannot leave his home village. When their marriage goes sour and Arabella moves to Australia, Jude resolves to go to Christminster at last. However, he finds that his attempts to enroll at the university are met with little enthusiasm."